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Best of Cape Cod & the Islands 2019

28th Annual The Best of Cape Cod & the Islands, 2019
administered by Cape Cod Life Publications, in business since 1979
results will be featured in the June 2019 issue of Cape Cod LIFE magazine.
Please help Cape Sands Ballroom be the "Best of Line Dancing in the Mid-Cape"
Cast your vote today by clicking on the ballot box
and following the directions to the left of the box

for more detailed instructions go to "How to Vote" below

1. Go to the "Mid-Cape" region (3rd page)

2. Under "9. Mid-Cape Things to do", scroll down 

    to "Wellness Center"

3. In the adjacent box, write in  

   "Line Dancing with Cape Sands Ballroom, Dennis"

ballot box

Continue to vote for other businesses you wish to support on the Cape & Islands


Please vote today

Voting ends February 28, 2019 at 11:45 pm

Thank you!   We appreciate your vote!

and keep on dancing 

line dancers
how to vote

Here’s how to vote:

  • Scroll down to "28th Annual 'The Best of Cape Cod & the Islands' 2019" and click on the gold vote badge

  • It will display a page entitled “Reader Survey”.  Note that this page is optional and may be skipped.  If you fill it out it gives you the opportunity to enter a drawing and tell more about yourself including your general location while also retaining your email address for their list.  To skip this section, scroll to the bottom of the page and press the “Next” button.  You do not need to enter your email address to vote.

  • The voting over the next several pages is organized by region.  You can vote for businesses in more than one region if you want to.  And you can vote in lots of different categories such as “Spa” “Museum”, “Biking Path”, etc.

  • Have in mind any other businesses you’d like to vote for so that as you page through the entry screens you can fill in your favorites.

  • If you have no favorites on your list for a particular region of the Cape you can skip that region by scrolling down and pressing the “Next” button.

  • And here’s how you can help me out!  When you get to the “Mid Cape” region screen, scroll to the “Things to do” section and at the very bottom of that section you’ll see “Wellness Center”.  On the “Wellness Center” line please type in “Line Dancing with Cape Sands Ballroom, Dennis”.  (Even if you study with me in another location, please type in “Dennis” because I’d like to consolidate the votes into one geographic area, and because Dennis is my hometown.)

  • Press “Next” at the bottom of the screen.

  • Continue paging through and voting for any other businesses you’re supporting, pressing “Next” at the end of each section until you reach the end of the voting screens where you should click “Done”.

Questions: Please email Karen at

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