
Group Classes: Ballroom Dance, Dennis

at Dennis Center for Active Living (DCAL) Ballroom, Latin, and Swing
Learn Ballroom Dancing!
with Karen of Cape Sands Ballroom
Interested in learning some ballroom, Latin and swing basics?
Singles and couples
join DVIDA certified instructor Karen Shackleford
every first Tuesday of the month
1:00-1:45 pm for a pre-dance ballroom sampler class
at Dennis Center for Active Living (DCAL), 1045 MA-134, South Dennis, MA 02660
Learn the basics of a different genre every time you visit. No pre-registration required.
Walk-in $10 cash or check payable to "Dennis Senior Center".
Class fee also covers admission to the dance party that follows from 2:00 to 3:30 pm.
Please bring a change of shoes to help protect the dance floor.
Note also other events happening on Tuesday afternoons at DCAL: Third Tuesday of the month similar format with instructor Frank Callahan of Silver Fox Fitness, second and fourth Tuesdays of the month live music at free open rehearsals with the Sound Dunes Combo at 1:00 pm.

Rumba class Dennis COA South Dennis

Rumba class Dennis COA South Dennis

Rumba class Dennis COA South Dennis

Rumba class Dennis COA South Dennis
Pre-dance Ballroom Sampler Classes
Your hosts for the pre-dance lesson and party will alternate with Karen of Cape Sands Ballroom teaching on the first week of every month and Frank of Silver Fox Fitness teaching on the third week of every month:
February 4 – Nightclub Two-step (Karen)
February 18 – West Coast Swing (Frank)
March 4 – Waltz (Karen)
March 18 – East Coast Swing (Frank)
April 1 – Rumba (Karen)
April 15 – Salsa (Frank)
May 6 – Tango (Karen)
May 20 – Bachata (Frank)
June 3 – Foxtrot (Karen)
June 17 – Merengue (Frank)
July 1 – Cha Cha (Karen)
July 15 – West Coast Swing (Frank)
Watch for more information as this program will continue.
Dennis Center for Active Living (DCAL)
1045 Route 134
South Dennis, MA 02660